
22 October 2011

Dimple & Prateek - How to Make a Husband Reservation in 2 Hours

Or the pre-engagement party or - how the Hindus call it - the Roka ceremony.
 Step 1 - ask Rav Flora to do your hair and makeup (she'll be more than happy to):
 Step 2 - be yourself (looks good in pictures):
 Step 3 - while being yourself, be confident, as well (that looks good, too):
 Step 4 - make sure your future fiance is prepared at his house (by the time he realizes what's going on, it'll be too late):
 Step 5 - show up (if you look like Dimple, you don't really have to do anything else):
 Step 6 - meet the family (hugs are a must):
 Step 7 - let the family do stuff to you (it's millennia old tradition):
 Step 8 -  receive gifts (this is usually the most exciting part):
 Step 9 - receive more gifts (personalized ones, if possible):
 Step 10 - go in the back yard, hide from the rain and strike a pose for the very talented photographer (keep being yourself, in the same time):
 Step 11 - include your almost fiance in a few shots (you did come for him, after all):
 Step 12 - do whatever the photographer asks you to do (before his camera gets wet):
 Step 13 - take some formal pictures with the future mother in law, too (it's always a good opportunity to strengthen the relationship):
 Step 14 - you should get a confirmation on the husband reservation you just made (to avoid double bookings or other type of problems):
Congratulations, Dimple and Prateek! I had so much fun with you and your family!  It's just too bad I'm not available for your wedding next year!


  1. Congrats Prateek and Dimple loved the pics.. and Cosmin you always rock!!

  2. Thank you so much, Lyila! You're too sweet! :)
