
14 November 2011

Tasveer & Harman - From India, With Love

 This is the second time I am honored to be invited to a wedding in Punjab, India. Just like the first time, it happens in India:
 Morning of the wedding. My first stop is at the car shop for a quick emergency. Next stop is at Harman's house, in a little village just outside Ropar:
 He's in great shape for the big day:

 I can't stay for too long as I have to get a few shots with Tasveer, as well:
 She's getting ready at her father's private academy, in Ropar.

 Cool necklace:
 Take a closer look:
 As far as wedding decor goes, every once in a while I go speechless:

 Nothing of this was here a day before:
 I feel safe, too:
 Or not? I'm a bit confused:
 The spectacular entrance of the groom makes my day:
 The first to welcome him is a paparazzi squad:
The milni ritual begins:
I wanted to click this shot in the last 2 years or so, but I never had the chance, being the only photographer present:
 The bride's family waits for the groom... And waits:
 They welcome him with sweets:
 Have you ever seen an army of waiters?
 Me neither, but I've seen a regiment or two:
 Breakfast has never been so ready:
 Oh, hi there, mushroom tikka, long time no see:
 I'm too hungry to take more pictures of the countless dishes, but you get the idea:
With a full stomach people are slowly gathering in the outdoor hall for the Anand Karaj - the Sikh marriage ceremony:
 Harman presents his respects, while me and my esteemed Punjabi colleagues share the view:
 Finally, Tasveer shows up, with her cousins - Sherry and Harry - leading the way:

 I hope you notice how awesome this image is without me saying so:
 Side by side, they take their places in front of the Sri Guru Granth Sahib, the final and eternal guru of the Sikhs:

 The bride's brother is ushering her around the holy scripture:
 While the young ragis are singing hymns of marriage:
 A colorful bouquet of guests:
 Including Tasveer's good friends from the Minoan International College of Crete, Greece:

 The end of the wedding ceremony is followed by the departure of the Adi Granth:
 And the arrival of entertainment:
Everybody finds a comfortable seat for the show:

 It's early afternoon, but not early to bust a move:

 In the same time lunch is being prepared:
 And served out of gold plates (if you believe everything I'm saying):
 The punch is popular, specially when you can match colors with your turban:
 The ice cream man is very busy, as well:
 I'd try it, but my mistake is that I've been watching the production process for too long:
 The newly weds are ready for sagan:
 The set up for this part puts Bollywood to shame:
 No, I did not bring the portable studio along from Canada. You know me better than this. All this stuff belongs to the local photo teams:
 I have different ideas:
 I can't help myself...

 Ideas that sometimes involve stunts without stunt doubles:
 Congratulations one more time, Tasveer and Harman! Thank you so much for your extensive hospitality and friendship! Can't wait to see you again back in the frozen prairie!


  1. super, iar v-ati distrat de numa numa :)

  2. Pai eu numai asa stiu sa muncesc! :)

  3. The colours and the feeling left behind after watching the photos are precious!

  4. wow, that must of been a really big wedding! you did a good job though :)

  5. Thank you so much! I'm glad you enjoyed the story!

  6. Wow the colours can't help but brighten up your day!!!

  7. i have studied in sas academy and known tasveer mam and i loved you picutres so much your so my marraige photographer...hell ya...<3 them

  8. Thank you very much for visiting!
    Jasdeep, your plan sounds excellent to me! Just give me a sign when you're ready! ...Like a year in advance :)

  9. wao all di pics are very much creative nd lovable

  10. Thank you so much, everyone, for visiting and kind words!
