
21 January 2012

My One and Only Bride - Trash the Photographer Session

  Long time ago, in December 2011, we went all the way down to Mexico for Ramneek and John's awesome wedding. My beautiful wife waited patiently many years for this occasion to trash her wedding dress in front of the camera:
That was the plan, anyways. However, as you can see in this picture - exhibit number 1 - taken by Edmonton's own DJ Vijay, the photographer got trashed much better:
We can't give enough thanks to international makeup artist Sunita Sumaru, who made Ioana unrecognizable:
Literally! And this is actually a funny story: half the people we met in the same night thought I was enjoying the evening with somebody else and kept asking where my wife was...
Well, here she is! I've always been so proud to be able to call her my wife:
Neener-neener, if I may add:
The sea took its best shot at trashing the dress, without much success:

Exhibit number 2 happens to be one of my favorite images that has me in it and it was taken by the surprisingly (for a non photographer) inspired Sunita Sumaru. While I was retrieving my life long model from the boat, Sunita decided on her own this was a good moment to snap some pictures:
Thank you so much everyone who made this possible! I hope it was as exciting for you as it was for me!


  1. Amazing photos! The best advertising for the futures brides!:)

  2. The most stunning bride ever! Beautiful pictures!
    Love you, Ioana, more than words can say!

  3. eheheee... wonderful! nice pictures!

  4. Kept scrolling down hoping the pictures will not end, hoping i will see more and more of this beautiful story and specially of your super gorgeous wife. And yes she is unrecognizable in these pictures, amazing work by the make-up artist!!!!


  6. Thank you very kindly for all the comments! Although I feel like they were not addressed to me...
    Lets's just say it was a team effort to ... ruin my clothes :))

  7. Wow ! Cosmin, la un moment dat am crezut ca joci intr-un episod din "CHEATERS" ! Excelent, ce pot sa spun...sunteti un exemplul ideal pentru tinerii din ziua de azi si nu numai! Pe cand varianta oficiala de TTD ? uitat: tin sa urez, chiar daca tardiv, un la multi ani din suflet pentru Ion-ela ! GOD BLESS YOU !

  8. She is absolutley BEAUTIFUL!!!! oh and you're not so bad either Cosmin ;) xoxo

  9. Wow! Stunning Ioana! Cosmin - my man - I think you needed to dress up for this occasion as well to give the full effect...

  10. Love the pictures..& a truly beautiful lady.x

  11. Thank you so much everyone for stopping by and leaving a few kind words! Greatly appreciate it!
