
09 January 2012

Picture of the Last Month - December

  As soon as winter hits Edmonton, I hit the road. It's part of the job; tough, but somebody has to do it. Every destination is a perfect destination for me: India, Boston, Mexico. It may come as a surprise for some of you, but there are awesome people all over the planet!
Andrea & Michael:
 Sarah & Fahad:
 Tasveer & Harman:
Ramneek & John:
  In the coming months we'll visit Las Vegas, Cuba, Mexico again, and I'll take you with me, as usual. It'll be nice and hot, so don't put too many clothes on!
  Till then, you can practice your old hobby of voting for your favorite photo in the poll below. The fun ends on January 20th at 23:59. It'll never end for the winners, as they will get a fantastic print prize. Please, only one vote every 24 hours, no cyber monkey business!
  I have to pack now, so I'll leave you to it:

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