
25 April 2012

Havana, Cuba - The Malecon

Construction of the concrete seawall on the north shore of Havana was started during the temporary U.S. military rule, in 1901. Nowadays is one of the most popular destinations in the city for tourists and locals.

 Castillo de los Tres Reyes del Morro (The Morro Castle) is best seen from the east end of the Malecon:

  Probably the most lethal jelly fish in the world  - the Portuguese Man-of-War (Physalia Physalis) - shows up in big numbers after storms:

 Castillo de San Salvador de la Punta:

 The far west part of the 8 km long ocean front:
 Locals relaxing:

 Antonio Maceo monument:

 Intersection of Malecon and 23 (La Rampa):

 Art Deco style Hotel Nacional:
 Hotel Nacional and Havana Bay at dusk:
 138 flag poles in front of the US Interests Building (US Embassy):
 Jose Marti stadium:
 One of the daily sunsets over the Malecon:


  1. Foarte, foarte, frumoase pozele!

  2. Sarumina frumos! Multumesc de vizita!

  3. Nu-mi pare rau ca nu am fost cu voi, caci prin pozele tale simt ca am fost in trecere pe acolo! Oricum data viitoare poate am sa stau ceva mai mult! Superbe !

  4. Multumesc tare mult, Narcisa!
    Sa stii ca vor veni si datile viitoare Poti sa-ti iei un tricou lejer ca se face cald :)

  5. Minunate fotografii!!! Nu cred ca pot exprima in cuvinte admiratia. Tine-o tot asa!

  6. Multumesc mult, Sorina! Te-ai exprimat foarte bine! :)
