
06 May 2012

Picture of the Last Four Months - January to April

  And ... we're back! We had a slow start in 2012, but Picture of the (last) Month photo contest is back on the blog. As usual, I present you the most beautiful and the most brave of them all:
Mandee & Vic:
Courtney & Anson:
Nicole & Don:
Mariam & Carlitos:
Courtney & Anson:
  You see the poll below? All you have to do is go there and vote for your favorite image.  You can do it once a day, before I take it away, on May 15th, at 23:59 hours.  What do you mean what's in it for you? Not everything is about you, you know!? Sometimes it's only about the beautiful and brave people in the picture. Whichever one gathers the most votes, will receive a well deserved print. If that's not good motivation, I don't know what is. Please proceed in orderly fashion:

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