
10 April 2012

Who's Mr. Popular Now?

   Well, not me! But I learnt about this guy who's an astonishing talent. I'm not exaggerating a single bit. It doesn't happen every day when you post a pictures on facebook and it gathers 88,000 likes in 24 hours. Yes, that's 88 thousands:
 After one week, the fans go wild with more than 220,000 likes, 4000 shares and 620 comments:
  I must admit I'm rather impressed by this gifted individual. I'd also be jealous if this wasn't, in fact, my own picture. The original was displayed only once, on my blog:  Since then, it's been stolen countless times and every time my name was cropped off or erased and replaced.
  I have no idea who this Singh Soorme is and I don't care. But I know all I need to know about his character: his good intentions were confirmed 30 minutes after he posted my image, when I wrote him a message and he didn't even bother to reply. What's ironic is that all the other posts on his wall are about honesty and justice for this Sikh person and that Sikh person. But not for the gora who traveled thousands of km (thousands of miles) to capture the image.
  If you are sensing a little resentment and revolt in my tone, I have to tell you, I'm not faking it. But I know nobody likes negative comments and bad vibes. They are not good for business either. So I'll say just this instead:
   Singh Soorme, God bless you! xoxox (whatever that xoxo means; still not sure about it, but lots of people are using it with positive connotations)


  1. Those numbers are going up.

    There are some 231k likes and 4k shares by now. Can't you report this, Mr. Cosmin?

    A beautiful image, indeed.

  2. I agree with the above commenter. Doesn't facebook have some way of reprimanding copyright violation such as this?

    On a side note, I've been following your blog since you captured a cousin's wedding, and I have to tell you, I am completely blown away by your talent, your wit, and even in times like these, your grace. I think the fact that you're a beautiful person infuses your pictures and makes them as breathtaking as they are -- sadly, some others simply can't compare (and hence resort to theft).

    I hope people stop stealing your work, but in the meantime, all of us (your fans) are sending you positive thoughts and hitting the real-life "like" button -- raving about your awesomeness to all our friends and family.

    Take care. xoxo. =D

  3. Thank you so much for the support! I'm overwhelmed by your kind words and the positive thoughts really work!
    As for facebook helping with the copyright infringements, I'm not gonna hold my breath. I contacted them a few times, but nothing happened.
    Thank you again!
    xoxo :)

  4. sir these all are creep fb users astonishing efforts donne by all artists in india !! we are reporting such people but still i can feel how it feels when your watermark is removed !!! god bless

  5. bullshit ppl do such kinda things,,
    And great men never care for such BS' ppl !!

    You are great photographer, and from the very first day,when i saw this pic on singh soorma's page, i just became the fan of the photographer who clicked it, and that was you, i got to know a few days back.

    Big Up !! Dont care for such ppl !

  6. Cos,

    No matter how many of your pictures people steal, they can never be half the photographer you are!

    Keep your head held up high and know we're all super proud and in awe of your work!

    ps - have you thought about watermarking your images.. the entire image. I know it will take away a little bit of the beauty of the picture, but atleast people won't be able to steal it so easily..

    - Husna

  7. Thank you so much everyone for all the messages! I'm better now :)
    I'll think of ways to protect my pics more creatively :)

  8. Vikram Singh Nanua20 August, 2013 21:12

    Waheguru Ji No words for this pic ! Awesome Job SIR :)

    if you don't mind can i have your E-mail or y can send me on
