
26 June 2012

Rina & Kamal Are on Cloud Nine

"Ever since Kamal met Rina, he had a gut feeling that she was the one. So he really wanted to make an effort to express his intentions; although, Kamal could’ve used a little guidance or fairy dust to head down the path of romance.
    Kamal had asked me to help him furniture shop and after a long day’s of work they both developed an appetite.  So Kamal spotted a Wendy’s and thought that something quick would do the trick. I reminded him that I’m a vegetarian and that there was nothing on the menu. He was nice enough to suggest fries and a side salad. After offering he decided at least one of them should eat and through the drive-thru he went. He inhaled that burger in less than a minute flat! I was not impressed!
    To make up for it, Kamal thought it would be romantic to spend the evening with me for my birthday. He was so excited that he didn't even realize he hadn’t made any plans and suggested a movie instead. After thinking about it I thought well I did want to watch the new Harry Potter movie but Kamal shot the idea down as he didn't want to subject himself hours of teenage wizards. I was not impressed!
    Oh ladies and gentlemen the story doesn't end there. Kamal decided to plan a trip to Ottawa so he could attend a conference. He bought the tickets and booked a hotel online which looked promising. As soon as we got there, it turns out that the hotel was also a senior’s lodge. Bonus: at least I got to take my showers sitting down ;)
   All jokes aside guys; Kamal's sweet and quirky attempts won my heart. His willingness to hear all of my “long stories” that are never short, no matter how tired he is. And going the extra mile to see me everyday is what makes my Kamal so special. He has become my best friend and I am excited to spend the rest of my life with him. I thank -you all for reading this and Cosmin for capturing our special moments." 

A new breed of Sikh warriors:

We arrive at the gurdwara:
In the usual helicopter (photo by Ioana):

And we depart from the gurdwara. The bride, groom and myself:
In the usual helicopter again:
Gracefully provided and piloted by the amazing Dr. Harris.


Getting ready for reception in the same day:

Congratulations, Rina and Kamal! Thank you so much for everything! We love you, too!

Vendors 'n' Things:

Temple - Gurdwara Nanaksar
Reception Venue - River Cree Resort
Helicopter and photo shoot location provided by the absolutely incredibly amazing Dr. Harris
Make-up and sister of the bride - Anita Singh
DJ - DJ Shammi
Shoes - Jimmy Choo and Burberry
Burberry belt maker and groom - Kamal
Bridal Lengha - India (go south east, you can't miss it)
Video - Raju
Ground shooter and nurse - Ionela Boriceanu (Ioana)
Aerial photographer - Cosmin Danila


  1. .suuuuuuuuuuuuuuperbe poze! Mi-nu-na-te!!Great job Mr. Cosmin:-)

  2. Thank you very much, Sorina!
