
01 July 2012

Picture of the Last Two Months - May & June

   Happy Canada Day, everybody! Wherever you are and wherever you are from! I really mean that! Look at me: I came from Romania 4 years ago. That was a feat by itself and I was extremely happy about it! Many other reasons to be happy about being in Canada soon followed. In a few short and incredible years I had the honor and chance to meet so many amazing people that came from all over the world and now happily call Canada home.
Simran & Aminder:
Noreen & Imran:
J & H:
Anu & Greg:
Anna & Mike:
 Mandee & Vic:
 Rina & Kamal:
  Here's what you can do to make one of these couples even happier. Vote for their photo in the poll below; you can do it once every morning, after breakfast. If you need help with this particular process, wait till you go to work and one of your friends will be able to assist you in making up your mind.  After midnight of July 10th you'll see this message: The poll is now closed. It's a whole long story behind that message, but basically it means that the poll is closed and you can't vote anymore.
   Let the fireworks begin! I mean the elections:

PS: I love you, Canada! Thank you so much for everything!


  1. Very nice!!! Happy Canada to you too! I came to Toronto 4 years ago myself with my husband, I know how different everything seems, you're lucky to have so many friends and people around you! Love your site by the way :) If you ever stop in Toronto, we would definitely love to meet you and have a beer together! Alina

  2. Sorry, I meant to say: Happy Canada Day!

  3. Hi ALina,
    Thank you so much for stopping by and for your kind words! I'd definitely love to meet you, as well! But forget the beer! I'll have some of those Zucchini Fritters! :)
    Your work looks amazing and extremely yummy!

  4. Hey, you visited my blog, that's sweet of you! I'm glad you like it, I'm sure I can make something for you anytime :)

  5. Alina, I'm looking forward to that moment! :)
    I'll hold you to it!
