
24 February 2012

Thank you for 2011! You are amazing!

  True story: a few weeks back I was asked some personal questions for an interview and one of them was "What's your most beautiful memory?" You're never gonna guess my answer, so I'll give it to you: "My wedding". Those very few fortunate ones that have been to one of my 2 weddings, will know exactly what I'm talking about.
   Turns out I'm a big fan of weddings! Maybe not me, maybe it's just the photojournalist in me, or the melomane in me, or the alcoholic that never really had a chance in me, or the gourmand in me, or the weird in me; one of those guys or all together...
  Watch a few of my 2011 wedding pictures and tell me I'm lying:

   I didn't think so, either!
   Thank you from the bottom of my heart to all my wedding couples from 2011! It has always been a joy and sometimes a challenge, but above all it has been an honor to be part of your celebrations! I wish you only the best and hope to see you at your 50th anniversary! I'll bring my camera if I'll be able to find it and carry it!